Happy Belated Lunar New Year - Year of the Snake

10:17 PM

When I was a kid, lunar new year was always my favorite festival of the year. I remembered running into my parents’ room first thing in the morning on new year’s day shouting "Happy New Year!", and waiting for them to give me the big fat “red envelope” that was enough to last for a while (back when the toys were still cheap...). We then ventured outside to watch the lion dance and shoot off firecrackers in the neighborhood. For the remainder of the day (or days, most of the time) we would visit relatives' houses, have new year’s feasts, and of course, collect more red envelopes! 

Now living in the mid-Atlantic and being a grownup, I miss the lunar new year festivities a lot. Fortunately, the lunar new year this year landed on a Sunday. I flew to LA and finally experienced the traditional lunar new year celebration once again!


And Mardi Gras celebration was taken place in Disneyland on the same weekend too!

Hello, Tiana!

Do you celebrate Lunar New Year? What was your favorite part of it? How did you celebrate it this year?

Jacket: Downtown Field Jacket - J. Crew
Sunglasses: Original Wayfarer - Ray-Ban
Scarf: Street Vendor...
Sweater: Tippi Sweater - J. Crew
Skinny Jeans: Abercrombie (old)
Boots: Cole Haan (similar)

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