Spring Cleaning - J. Crew Jules Dress in Scroll Print

5:14 PM

After wading through spring snowstorms, some lovely weather finally arrived this weekend. It’s time to throw those heavy winter jackets in the closet and put on a splash of spring colors! I haven’t kept up with my blog posts lately, since I was spending most of my time in the office for the past month...but I couldn’t resist the 70+ degree warmth this weekend and just had to go out for a short break. While I was enjoying the weather, I snapped a few pictures with this J.Crew Jules Dress. 

Dress: Jules Dress in Scroll Print - J. Crew
Sunglasses: Original Wayfarer - Ray-Ban
Crossbody Bag: Kate Spade (similar)
Flats: Elsa Pointed Toe Flat - Banana Republic

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  1. Julia you looks stunning and perfect in this outfit love it love everything it suits on you .. Kisses <3 <3
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  2. This is a beautiful dress on you!

  3. LOVE the dress. I just got a similar style (in stripe and floral print) from the last line. I can't wait to wear it - I was envisioning it with heels, but so glad to see it looks adorable with flats too!!

    1. Flats actually work better since this is a very casual dress. I tried wearing it with heels before but the dress ended up looking too short on me. :p

  4. Gorgeous! I think I saw your pics while doing a Google search of the Scroll Print myself, haha. The dress looks incredible on you and your photos are lovely as well! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Love this!! I was interested in getting this dress and was wondering how tall you are and the size of the dress? Worried it might be too short on me

    1. Hi Lo! Sorry for the late response. I am 5'5" and I got the size 2 to go for a more "shifty" feel :)

